Elite 005212-0 User Manual

Page of 52
• Before performing any maintenance on the gen-
erator, disconnect its battery cables to prevent 
accidental start-up. Disconnect the cable from the 
battery post indicated by a NEGATIVE, NEG or (–) 
first. Reconnect that cable last.
• Never use the generator or any of its parts as a 
step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break 
parts, and may result in dangerous operating con-
ditions from leaking exhaust gases, fuel leakage, 
oil leakage, etc.
• All generators covered by this manual produce 
dangerous electrical voltages and can cause fatal 
electrical shock. Utility power delivers extremely 
high and dangerous voltages to the transfer switch 
as well as the standby generator. Avoid contact 
with bare wires, terminals, connections, etc., on 
the generator as well as the transfer switch, if 
applicable. Ensure all appropriate covers, guards 
and barriers are in place before operating the gen-
erator. If work must be done around an operating 
unit, stand on an insulated, dry surface to reduce 
shock hazard.
• Do not handle any kind of electrical device while 
standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or 
•  If personnel must stand on metal or concrete while 
installing, operating, servicing, adjusting or repair-
ing this equipment, place insulative mats over a 
dry wooden platform. Work on the equipment only 
while standing on such insulative mats.
• The National Electrical Code (NEC) requires the 
frame and external electrically conductive parts 
of the generator to be connected to an approved 
earth ground. This grounding will help prevent 
dangerous electrical shock that might be caused 
by a ground fault condition in the generator set or 
by static electricity. Never disconnect the ground 
• Wire gauge sizes of electrical wiring, cables and 
cord sets must be adequate to handle the maxi-
mum electrical current (ampacity) to which they 
will be subjected.
• Before installing or servicing this (and related) 
equipment, make sure that all power voltage 
supplies are positively turned off at their source. 
Failure to do so will result in hazardous and pos-
sibly fatal electrical shock.
• Connecting this unit to an electrical system nor-
mally supplied by an electric utility shall be by 
means of a transfer switch so as to isolate the 
generator electric system from the electric utility 
distribution system when the generator is operat-
ing. Failure to isolate the two electric system power 
sources from each other by such means will result 
in damage to the generator and may also result 
in injury or death to utility power workers due to 
backfeed of electrical energy.
• Generators installed with an automatic transfer 
switch will crank and start automatically when 
normal (utility) source voltage is removed or is 
below an acceptable preset level. To prevent such 
automatic start-up and possible injury to person-
nel, disable the generator’s automatic start circuit 
(battery cables, etc.) before working on or around 
the unit. Then, place a “Do Not Operate” tag on 
the generator control panel and on the transfer 
•  In case of accident caused by electric shock, imme-
diately shut down the source of electrical power. 
If this is not possible, attempt to free the victim 
from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECT CONTACT 
WITH THE VICTIM. Use a nonconducting imple-
ment, such as a dry rope or board, to free the vic-
tim from the live conductor. If the victim is uncon-
scious, apply first aid and get immediate medical 
• Never wear jewelry when working on this equip-
ment. Jewelry can conduct electricity resulting in 
electric shock, or may get caught in moving com-
ponents causing injury.
• Keep a fire extinguisher near the generator at all 
times. Do NOT use any carbon tetra-chloride type 
extinguisher. Its fumes are toxic, and the liquid 
can deteriorate wiring insulation. Keep the extin-
guisher properly charged and be familiar with its 
use. If there are any questions pertaining to fire 
extinguishers, consult the local fire department.
• Properly ventilate any room or building housing 
the generator to prevent build-up of explosive gas.
•  Do not smoke around the generator. Wipe up any 
fuel or oil spills immediately. Ensure that no com-
bustible materials are left in the generator com-
partment, or on or near the generator, as FIRE or 
EXPLOSION may result. Keep the area surround-
ing the generator clean and free from debris.
• These generator sets may operate using one of 
several types of fuels. All fuel types are potentially 
FLAMMABLE and/or EXPLOSIVE and should be 
handled with care. Comply with all laws regulat-
ing the storage and handling of fuels. Inspect the 
unit’s fuel system frequently and correct any leaks 
immediately. Fuel supply lines must be prop-
erly installed, purged and leak tested according to 
applicable fuel-gas codes before placing this equip-
ment into service.
• Diesel fuels are highly FLAMMABLE. Gaseous 
fluids such as natural gas and liquid propane 
(LP) gas are extremely EXPLOSIVE. Natural gas 
is lighter than air, and LP gas is heavier than air; 
install leak detectors accordingly.
Standby Generator Sets
Important Safety Instructions
Safety 001  Re
v. 0  08/05