Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

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The following is an excerpt from a Category Statistics Report generated for this
month's circulations:
                           Jackson School Library
10/3/2003 @ 1:29pm               Category Statistics                    Page 1
CODE  DESCRIPTION         Total Circs       Monthly Circs     Collection
   5  Art                      13 ( 15.1%)       13 ( 61.9%)       13 (  0.8%)
   6  Careers                   0 (  0.0%)        0 (  0.0%)        4 (  0.2%)
   7  Geography                 0 (  0.0%)        0 (  0.0%)        2 (  0.1%)
   4  History                   5 (  5.8%)        5 ( 23.8%)        6 (  0.4%)
   3  Native American stu       5 (  5.8%)        5 ( 23.8%)        8 (  0.5%)
   8  New Fiction               0 (  0.0%)        0 (  0.0%)        0 (  0.0%)
   2  Summer Reading            1 (  1.1%)        1 (  4.7%)        2 (  0.1%)
   1  Temporary                 1 (  1.1%)        0 (  0.0%)        0 (  0.0%)
                               25                24                35
Generating a Checkouts/Fines Transactions Report
The Checkouts/Fines Transactions Report provides you with a list of patrons
with overdue copies and outstanding fines, patrons with any checked-out items,
or only patrons with outstanding fines. This report is ideal if you want to
distribute the overdue and fine information to your teachers and library staff. If
your library uses a PHD to conduct remote circulation, provide a copy of this
report to your staff members before they begin conducting transactions.
Select the patrons whose transactions
you want to print.
Select the materials for the report.
Select the check boxes for any
of the report options.
The Checkouts/Fines Transactions Report has these options: