Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

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Chapter 42  Backing up your database
This chapter provides information for developing an effective backup and
recovery strategy and instructions for using Follett Software's Backup and
Restore application.
Develop a backup strategy
If you ever need to recover from damaged data, you must have a recovery plan in
place before the problem occurs. Backing up your data on a regular basis is the
simplest and most effective plan for data recovery.
Some reasons for data loss include: disk crash, fire, theft, software or hardware
failure, accidental deletions, and power spikes. If any of these happen, you can
use your backup to restore your data, eliminating the need to reenter lost data.
In addition to data recovery, the backup can be used for data storage, saving
valuable space on the server's hard drive.
How do I back up my database?
To maintain the integrity of your data, it is vital that you use reliable backup
software. Manually copying your data files to another media is not an effective or
safe backup method.
Follett Software's Backup and Restore application, which is included with
Circulation Plus and Catalog Plus, lets you back up your library's database,
including your records, transactions, configuration, and the setup for your Follett
applications. With Backup and Restore, you can back up to a zip disk, floppy
disks, or to a secondary hard drive or network drive. Instructions for using
Follett Software's Backup and Restore begin on page 607.
 If you wish to use other types of media (e.g., CD, tape), additional software
may be required. If this is the case, back up to your hard drive, then use
the software to transfer the backup file to the media.
 This document uses zip" as a generic term to refer to any 100MB or
250MB diskette or associated drive. Follett Software Company does not
recommend any particular brand.
Under certain circumstances you may want or need to use software from a
thirdparty vendor. For example, if you want to back up to a tape device or back
up your entire system, you will need a thirdparty solution. Many thirdparty
backup solutions will let you select the type of backup to perform. Generally, you