Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

Page of 730
barcode labels with The Bar Tender, 695
copy barcodes, 514
patron barcodes, 567
patron information in Circulation Desk, 132
patron library cards, 572575
with Receipt Printer in Circulation Desk,
setting up in OPAC, 406
with Transaction Tracker in Circulation Desk,
privileges. See Installation Guide
problems. See troubleshooting
Process Misses
See also Alliance Plus (module); autorecon
options for processing records, 395
options for updating bibliographic records,
updating bibliographic records, 386
program items. See shortcuts
prohibiting circulation. See block conditions
pronunciation symbols. See diacritics
proof sheets, 277, 284
proxy configuration
for TitlePeek in OPAC, 405
PTC-600/PTC-620. See Telxon PHDs
publishing years. See limiters
question marks. See wildcards
QuickLinks, in WebCollection Plus, 448
R circulation type, 46
reading barcodes. See scanning
Reading Counts!
See also 526 tags; searching
cataloging instructions, 635
searching in OPAC, 462
reading level, displaying in WebCollection Plus,
reading levels
See also 521 tags; 526 tags; limiters
displaying in OPAC, 412
limiting searches by in OPAC, 470
updating with an autorecon, 386387
Reading Program Recon, 390
reading programs
See also 526 tags
cataloging for, 635
deleting tags globally, 334
in the Easy Editor, 257258
enhancing library records with information,
Rebuild Database utility, 599600
Rebuild File Indexes utility, 597598
Rebuild Keywords utility, 595
Rebuild MARC Headings utility, 596597
Receipt Printer, setting up, 120
records. See authority records; bibliographic
records; copies; patron records
refunds, 161
See also fines
printing receipts for, 161
registered products, viewing, 603
Reload File utility, 600601
remote circulation, 175182
See also PHD; PHD Dolphin+; Telxon PHDs