Cabletron Systems EMM-E6 User Manual

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Monitoring Hub Performance
Using the EMM-E6 Hub View
Transceiver Port AUI EPIM
Twisted Pair: RJ45 EPIM
Multi-Mode Fiber: SMA EPIM
Multi-Mode Fiber: ST EPIM
Single-Mode Fiber: ST EPIM
Hardwired AUI EPIM
Unknown (for boards that don’t support media type)
Topology Type
Indicates how the port is being used. The available types are:
—The port is receiving packets from no devices, from a single device, 
or from two devices. Note that a port in station status may actually be 
connected to multiple devices; station status simply indicates that no more 
than two devices are currently active.
—The port is receiving packets from three or more devices; it may be 
connected to a coax cable with multiple taps, or to a repeater or another MIM.
Viewing the IP Address Table
You can use the IP Address Table option on the Device menu to view the MAC 
(hardware) addresses of all installed interfaces, along with their associated 
interface numbers, interface types, interface descriptions, and any assigned IP 
addresses. The interface numbers 1-4 correspond to channel, or network, 
designations A, B, C, and D; interfaces available via BRIM port E will be indexed 
starting at 5, and those available via BRIM port F will follow.
If you use the Trunk Type option on the Port menu to manually change a port’s topology 
status from Force Trunk to Not Forced, any status change from trunk to station will not 
be reflected in the port display until the current cycle of the Source Address timer is 
complete. See Chapter 6, Source Addressing, for more information on the timer.
Older versions of EMM-E6 firmware (previous to revision level 2.00.16) use slightly 
different definitions of station and trunk status: station ports are defined as those which 
are detecting no source addresses or only a single source address; trunk ports are those 
detecting two or more. If you have any questions about which definitions are employed by 
your version of firmware, or if you would like information about upgrading your 
EMM-E6 firmware, contact the Cabletron Systems Global Call Center. Also, see Chapter 
6, Source Addressing, and Chapter 7, Security, for more information about station and 
trunk status.
You cannot change or assign an IP address from this window or from any other SPMA 