Cabletron Systems ELEMENT MANAGER NB30 User Manual

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Software Conventions
 means to position the mouse pointer over the indicated 
target, then press and release the mouse button two times in rapid succession. 
This is commonly used to activate an objectÕs default operation, such as 
opening a window from an icon. Note that there is a distinction made between 
Òclick twiceÓ and Òdouble-click,Ó since Òclick twiceÓ implies a slower motion. 
 means to position the mouse pointer over the indicated target, then 
press and hold the mouse button until the described action is completed. It is 
often a pre-cursor to Drag operations.
 means to move the mouse pointer across the screen while holding 
the mouse button down. It is often used for drag-and-drop operations to copy 
information from one window of the screen into another, and to highlight 
editable text.
Common NB-30 Bridge Window Fields
Similar descriptive information is displayed in boxes at the top of most 
device-speciÞc windows in SPECTRUM Element Manager, as illustrated in 
Figure 1-2. Sample Window Showing Informational Text Boxes
Device Description
Displays the SNMP MIB-II System Description for the bridge. This is a read-only 
description used to identify the hardware type and Þrmware/software operating 
system of the managed device.
IP Address