Acer AIR-204 User Manual

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User Guide for AIR-104/AIR-204 3-1
Chapter 3 Configuring PC's in the Network
Why do I need to configure PC's?
Any PC that is connected to the network (either plugged directly into the  AIR-104/204 or 
uplinked from an external hub/switch) requires configuration before it can communicate 
with the AIR-104/204.
Each PC must have TCP/IP installed.  Additionally, each PC must either be configured to 
obtain an IP address through a DHCP server, or must have its IP address set manually.
Only PC’s configured in this manner can share Internet access by means of the AIR-104/
204 .
Any TCP/IP capable workstation can be used to communicate with or through 
the AIR-104/204.  Other types of workstations may or may not be compatible; please 
consult the manufacturer’s documentation.
It is strongly recommended that you configure each network PC to obtain its IP 
address automatically from a DHCP server.  Only this configuration procedure is escribed 
below.  If you wish to set network IP addresses manually, please consult more detailed 
TCP/IP documentation.
When do I need to configure PC's?
When you first install the AIR-104/204 in your network, you will need to configure a PC so 
that you can use it, in turn, to configure the AIR-104/204.
After the AIR-104/204 is properly configured, you will need to configure each PC that is 
connected to the network.
What do I need to configure PC's?
For configuration, a PC must have a properly-installed Ethernet or Fast Ethernet network 
interface, and that network interface must be connected properly to the network (either 
connected directly to a LAN port of the AIR-104/204, or uplinked via a properly-
connected external hub or switch).
There are no operating system requirements for PC’s to be configured.  However, 
Windows 95 and Windows 98 are the most popular operating systems currently in use; 
the procedure described below applies for Windows 95/98.  To configure PC’s or 
terminals running other operating systems, consult the relevant user manual for 
information about installing TCP/IP.