DSCover Satellite Products Home Security System SCW904x User Manual

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Section 5: Operation
Additional Keypad Functions:
When scrolling through the list of available functions, the following additional functions are available:
Event Buffer:
Used to view the 128-event panel buffer
Brightness Control:
Used to adjust the display backlighting level for optimal viewing
Contrast Control:
Used to adjust the display contrast level for optimal viewing
Buzzer Control:
Used to adjust the keypad buzzer tone for optimal sound 
[ ][7][x] – Command Outputs (1&2)
Press [ ][7][x]. If the Command Output Code Required option is enabled, enter a valid user code. The panel will activate any PGM output 
assigned to the command output.
[ ][8] – Installer Programming
Press [ ][8][Installer Code] to enter Installer Programming. Installer programming allows the installer to program all system functions.
Refer to the Section 6: Advanced Programming for details.
[ ][9][User Code] – No-Entry Arming
Press [ ][9] followed by a valid user code. The system will arm in the Stay mode and after the exit delay expires, it will remove entry delay. All 
zones programmed as Delay will function like Instant zones. The system will flash the Armed light to indicate that the system is armed with no 
entry delay.
[ ][0] – Quick Arm/Quick Exit
Quick Arm: When disarmed, press [ ][0] to arm the system. The system will arm as if a valid user code was entered.
Quick Exit: When armed, press [ ][0] to activate Quick Exit. The system will allow a single zone programmed as Delay to be violated once dur-
ing the following 2 minute time period without changing the status of the system.
5.5 Function Keys
The keypad has 5 programmable one-touch function keys located in a column down the right-side of the keypad. These keys can also be activated 
by pressing and holding number [1] through [5] respectively for 2 seconds. The default for these keys are as follows:
[1] Stay Arm
[4] Bypass
[2] Away Arm
[5] Quick Exit
[3] Chime Enable/Disable
System Test: The panel will activate the keypad buzzer, LCD pixels and all keypad status lights for 2 seconds followed by 2 
seconds of full volume alarm, then transmit a reporting code to the central station (if programmed).
Enable DLS: The panel will temporarily enable DLS double-call for 6 hours.
User Initiated DLS:  The panel will attempt to call the DLS computer.
Future Use
User Walk Test Mode: The panel will switch into User Walk Test Mode. The panel will display the base mode menu.