Davis Instruments Davis Vantage Pro2 User Manual

Page of 56
Alarm Mode
4. Use the console keys to select a different weather variable. 
The console’s time display shows the time of the selected variable’s 
high or low. 
5. Press DONE to exit the Highs and Lows mode. The console screen 
switches to the Current Weather mode.
Alarm Mode
The Vantage Pro2 features more than 30 alarms that can be programmed to 
sound whenever a reading exceeds a set value. With the exception of 
barometric pressure and time, all alarms sound when a reading reaches the 
alarm threshold. For example, if the high outside temperature alarm 
threshold is set at 65º F, the alarm will sound when the temperature rises to 
65.0º F. 
When an alarm condition exists, the audible alarm sounds, the alarm icon 
blinks repeatedly, and an alarm description appears in the ticker at the 
bottom of the screen. The alarm sounds for a maximum two minutes if the 
console is battery-powered, but the icon will continue to blink and the 
message will stay in the ticker until you clear the alarm or the condition 
clears. If you’re using the AC adapter, the alarm will continue sounding as 
long as the condition exists.
The alarm will sound again for each new alarm. If more than one alarm is 
active, the description for each active alarm cycles onto the screen every 
four seconds. A “+” symbol appears at the end of the alarm text if more 
than one alarm is tripped.
Low alarms work the same way. For example, if the wind chill threshold is 
set for 30ºF, the alarm condition begins when the wind chill drops to 30º 
and will continue until the wind chill rises above 30º.
Four Special Alarms
ET (Evapotranspiration)
ET is updated only once an hour, on the hour. If during a given hour the ET 
Value exceeds the alarm threshold, the ET alarm sounds at the end of that 
hour. This is true for daily, monthly, and yearly ET alarms. You must have 
the optional Solar Radiation Sensor to use this alarm. See “Evapotranspira-
tion (ET)” on page 48 for a description of this variable.
Barometric Pressure
The Vantage Pro2 allows you to set two barometric pressure alarms: a 
“rise” alarm and a “fall” alarm. You may select any rate of change per 
three hours between 0.00 and 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) Hg, (8.5 mb, hPa); the 
alarm will sound if the rate of change (in either direction) exceeds the 
threshold you set. This alarm is updated every 15 minutes.