GE IMP2B Data Sheet

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10.10   GFA-1746A
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Deployed Test - Features/Benefits Summary
Features Benefits Table
Standard source product
BIT source is a standard product offering, allowing BIT merging to user-specific test harnesses, or adaptation for other purposes.
Serial style Man Machine 
Interface (MMI)
Local serial terminal for the easiest connection, or optional ‘serial over Ethernet’† (host telnet session), allowing connection and 
‘same menu’ configuration by remote users.
Graphical style  MMI†
Local graphics terminal (where facilities exist) or host web browser graphical support; enables advanced MMI features 
(e.g. a clickable bus/board map etc.) both locally and remote.
Background Condition  
Screening (BCS)
Continuous and co-operative with OS.
Does not disturb normal COTS OS operation.
Runs as an OS task
Can set priority in normal fashion relative to the application. If desired, can be set to only absorb system ‘slack time’.
Background Mode operation
Can run tests continuously, according to pre-set characteristics. Configure and forget; the system is then continuously checked.
Straightforward call-back 
In addition to above, the application can call up specific tests at any time for tailored testing.
Flexible implementation
Dynamically loadable, or linkable to the OS image, for a best tfit to application requirements.
Flexible configuration 
Static via ‘.h’ file or dynamic via interactive menu, for best fit to user requirements and potential field/depot maintenance.
Holistic approach
Employs multiple strategies for best coverage such that the OS or application is not disturbed:
1) Standard OS mechanisms where possible
2) Extended drivers; action invisible to application & OS
3) Test leverage from nominated h/w ‘partitions’ 4) Pre-emptive action.
Flexible results storage
For easy integration, BCS can store results in nominated Flash, RAM, or bus memory locations, for later pick-up by the application.
Immediate failure    
Via SBC LED, also a backplane output for system notification.
Optional off-board testing
Can check some system paths by initiating standard responses from offboard equipment (e.g. verifies response to an initiated 
Ethernet ‘ping’).
Combined coverage
For example, if BCS is used in conjunction with the ‘Fast BIT’ option of BIT (above), gives an optimum coverage combination for 
systems requiring a short start-up time. Coverage not obtained with BIT at start-up (due to time limitation), is ‘filled-in’ by BCS as 
operation continues.
Custom tests easily added. No purchase of BCS source code is required for this purpose