BMW 2006 530xi Sports Wagon Owner's Manual

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BMW maintenance system
The BMW maintenance system supports the 
preservation of the traffic and operating safety 
of your BMW. The service schedule also 
includes operations related to the vehicle's 
comfort and convenience features, such as 
replacement of the filters for the inside air. 
The ultimate objective is to ensure economical 
maintenance by providing the ideal service for 
your vehicle.
Should the day come when you decide to sell 
your BMW, a complete dealer service history 
will prove to be an asset of inestimable value.
CBS Condition Based Service
Sensors and special algorithms take the differ-
ent driving conditions of your BMW into 
account. Condition Based Service uses this to 
determine the current and future service 
requirements. By letting you define a service 
and maintenance regimen that reflects your 
own individual requirements, the system builds 
the basis for trouble-free driving.
You can set the Control Display to show 
remaining distances and times of selected 
maintenance intervals and legally mandated 
deadlines, refer to page
Engine oil
Brake pads, front and rear separately
Microfilter/activated-charcoal filter
Brake fluid
Spark plugs
Vehicle check
Legally mandated inspections depending 
on local regulations
Service data in remote control
Your vehicle stores the information required 
maintenance continuously in the remote con-
trol during driving. After accessing the data 
stored in the remote control, your BMW Service 
Advisor can suggest precisely the right array of 
service procedures for your own individual vehi-
cle. You should therefore hand over the remote 
control you last used to drive to the BMW Ser-
vice Advisor when you take your vehicle in for 
Make sure the date is always set cor-
rectly, refer to page
, as otherwise the 
effectiveness of CBS Condition Based Service 
is not ensured.
Service and Warranty Information 
Booklet for US models and Warranty 
and Service Guide Booklet for 
Canadian models
Please consult your Service and Warranty Infor-
mation Booklet for US models and Warranty 
and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models 
for additional information on service require-
BMW recommends that you have service 
and repair operations performed at your 
BMW center. 
Take the time to ensure that these service pro-
cedures are confirmed by entries in your vehi-
cle's Service and Warranty Information Booklet 
for US models and Warranty and Service Guide 
Booklet for Canadian models. These entries 
verify that your vehicle has received the speci-
fied regular maintenance.
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