BMW AG User Manual

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Towing a trailer
You are always required to comply 
with the speed limit of the country 
in which you are driving, but do not 
exceed the maximum speed of 80 km/h 
(50 mph). Driving at excessive speed 
could render the vehicle unstable.
Stopping the trailer from snaking:
If the trailer begins to swing from side 
to side, as can happen under excep-
tional circumstances, the outfit can be 
stabilised only by immediately and 
sharply applying the brakes. Do not try 
to counter the trailer's action by turning 
the steering wheel unless absolutely 
necessary, keep all movements of the 
steering wheel as careful as possible, 
and watch out for other road users.
In the interests of safety and to avoid 
holding up other traffic, do not attempt 
to climb gradients steeper than 12 %. If 
an application to tow a heavier trailer 
has been approved, the limit is 8 %, see 
Downhill gradients:
Take particular care on downhill gradi-
ents, because a trailer's tendency to 
fishtail, or swing from side to side, is 
more pronounced on a downhill slope. 
On the approach to the downslope, 
always shift down to the next-lower 
gear, if necessary as far as 1st gear, 
and drive down the hill slowly.
Towing a trailer
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 158 017 - © 03/04 BMW AG