BMW AG User Manual

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When driving on wet or slushy 
surfaces, reduce speed to prevent 
a wedge of water from forming between 
the tyre and the road. This situation, 
known as aquaplaning, means that the 
tyre can actually lose contact com-
pletely with the road surface, so that 
neither the car can be steered nor the 
brake be properly applied.
The risk of aquaplaning increases as 
the tread depth of the tyres decreases, 
see also Tyre tread on page 
Driving through water
Only drive through water to a max. 
depth of 30 cm (1 ft), and no faster 
than walking pace, otherwise damage 
to the engine, electrical system and 
transmission may be caused.
Safe braking
Your BMW has ABS as standard. You 
brake most effectively by applying max-
imum brake pressure in situations 
which call for this: full braking. Since 
the car remains steerable, you can 
avoid obstacles by turning the steering 
wheel as smoothly as possible.
The brake pedal pulsates and the noise 
of the hydraulic control system is audi-
ble, warning the driver that the ABS is 
Do not rest your foot on the brake 
pedal while the car is in motion. 
Otherwise, even slight continuous pres-
sure on the brake pedal could cause 
overheating, brake pad wear or even 
brake system failure.
Wet roads:
When driving on wet roads or in heavy 
rain it is advisable to press lightly on the 
brake pedal to apply the brakes briefly 
every few kilometres. When doing so, 
make sure that no other road-user is 
endangered. The resulting heat dries 
the brake discs and pads. This will 
immediately restore full braking power.
Downhill gradients:
In order to keep the brakes from 
overheating and fading, select the 
gear or transmission speed which calls 
for the least use of the brakes when 
descending long or steep hills. Other-
wise, even slight continuous pressure 
on the brake pedal could cause over-
heating, brake pad wear or even brake 
system failure.
You can increase the engine's braking 
effect by downshifting, to first gear if 
necessary, with the automatic transmis-
sion in manual mode, see page 
avoids brake overload.
General driving hints
Minor repairs
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 158 017 - © 03/04 BMW AG