Pelco Server C1553M-B User Manual

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C1553M-B (4/05)
4. Name: Type a unique, descriptive name for the hotlink you want to add. Hotlink names are at most 50 characters long. They can include 
any letter, digit or special character, with the exception of single and double quotation marks. Hotlink names are not case sensitive. A tag 
resembling the hotlink name appears in the Script Tag box. If the hotlink name contains special characters, they are omitted from the tag. 
Leading digits are removed. Spaces are replaced with underscores.
5. Script tag: If you do not want to use the script tag provided by the server, type a unique, meaningful tag. Script tags are at most 50 
characters long. They can include any letter, digit or the underscore character, but cannot begin with a digit. They cannot contain spaces or 
special characters. Tags are not case sensitive. Use the script tag to refer to the hotlink in scripts. For a list of hotlink properties that can be 
scripted, refer to Scripts and Expressions - Properties of Objects.
6. Normal appearance: Adjust the appearance of the hotlink, referring to the Preview area of the dialog box to view your selections. 
To set the hotlink’s fill color, click the button to the immediate right of the background color sample, select a color and click OK. To adjust 
the transparency of the hotlink’s fill, drag the % Transparency slider, or click the slider bar to move in 5% increments. At 100% trans-
parency, the hotlink will not be visible on the map. At 0%, it will be fully opaque, obscuring any items underneath it. 
Specify whether you want the hotlink to have a border around it by selecting None or Single Line. To set the border’s color, click the button 
to the immediate right of the color sample, select a color and click OK.
7. Mouse hover appearance: You can configure a hotlink to change color when the pointer is positioned over it using the Mouse Hover 
settings. To preview the appearance, position the pointer over the hotlink in the Preview area of the dialog box. 
To set the fill color, click the button to the immediate right of the color sample, select a color and click OK. To adjust the transparency of the 
fill, drag the % Transparency slider, or click the slider bar to move in 5% increments. At 100% transparency, the hotlink will not be visible 
when the pointer is positioned over it. At 0%, it will be fully opaque. 
Specify whether you want the hotlink to have a border around it when the pointer is positioned over it by selecting None or Single Line. 
To set the border’s color, click the button to the immediate right of the color sample, select a color and click OK.
8. Run script: If you want to associate a script with the hotlink, type the script in the Run Script area. 
If you want the script to run with a single click of the hotlink, select Single-Click. If you want the script to run when the hotlink is double-
clicked, select Double-Click. 
Type the script actions directly into the Action column, or use the script wizard to help you write the script. For more information on writing 
scripts, refer to Scripts and Expressions.
To test the script, save the server configuration, log in to the client, load the map the hotlink is on, and click the hotlink.
9. Click OK. The hotlink is created and the Add New Hotlink dialog box closes. The name and script tag of the new hotlink appear in the right 
pane of the Object Browser and the hotlink appears on the map.