Cosmorex SE Owner's Manual

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of three tubes allow shooting an object as
small as 1x11/2 inches (life size).
Bellows Units are devices that also go between
your camera body and lens and allow
continuous focusing down to close range.
Focusing is done by a knob on the bellows unit.
These attachments are excellent for taking
pictures of very small objects, ranging from
about 1%" x 2
4" to 
or even smaller,
depending on the bellows in use.
oth extension tubes and bellows units are
somewhat more specialized than close-up lenses.
Because they move the lens further from the film,
the light rays must travel further to reach the film
... and an increase in exposure is necessary,
varying according to the length of extension and
the focal length of the lens. This exposure increase
can be computed precisely from the charts and
tables supplied with bellows units and extension
tube sets, or with the aid of a KODAK MASTER
DATAGUIDE, available
from your dealer. (For critical work with
extension tubes or bellows units, a special
Technical Data Sheet is available on request
from the manufacturer.)
Whenever possible, shoot at small lens
openings (f/8, f/11, and f/16). The picture
will be sharper, and you'll gain an extra
margin of depth-of-field to help in sure
maximum sharpness.
*Hold your camera steady when shooting.
Even a slight camera movement during
exposure can cause blur. If possible,
mount your camera on a tripod and use a
cable release (available from your dealer) to
trip the shutter.
henever possible, use contrasting backgrounds
for close-ups. Taking a close shot of a light-
colored seashell? It will look sharper when
photographed on a piece of black cloth, than on
a white paper or