Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiFRAD 100-Series FR111 User Manual

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Reset Options
The Reset Options menu allows you to reset the unit, the data channel,
or return to the previous menu or to the Main Menu.
Reset Options
1 -  Reset Unit
2 -  Reset Data Channel
M -  Main Menu
P -  Previous Menu
Selection : _
To reset the unit, enter 1 and press ENTER. To reset the data channel,
enter 2 and press ENTER.  To return to the previous menu, enter P and
press ENTER. To return to the Main Menu, enter M and press ENTER.
Diagnostic Tests
The Diagnostic menu allows you to run two loopback tests, a watch dog
test, display the product and firmware identification or return to the
previous menu or the Main Menu.
1 - Loop Tests
2 - Memory Tests
3 - Watch Dog Test
4 - Product and Firmware ID
5 - Flash Firmware Upgrade
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
6.5.1 Loop Tests
The Loop Tests menu allows for selection of two loopback tests, or
return to the previous menu or to the Main Menu.  The Data Port Loop-
back Test tests the interface between the data device and the Multi-
FRAD.  The Trunk Loopback Test tests can be used both locally and
remotely.  When it is used locally, the internal DSU should be set to