LG N2R1DB2 User Manual

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. LG Network Storage Maintenance
System information checking and saving
Open the administration web menu and go to the ‘Log’ of the ‘Information’ menu then 
check and save settings in ‘System Log’, ‘Samba Log’ and ‘FTP Log’.
Self-diagnosis execution
The LG Network Storage, by virtue of built in self-diagnosis mode, helps users easily 
recognize and handle problems arising on the server.
* The volume must first be constructed before running self-diagnosis. 
①   Open the administrator’s web menu and go to “Information → Log” menu and 
select “Self-diagnosis” tab to immediately execute the LG Network Storage 
②  Even in the middle of usage, the administrator can open up the administrator web 
menu and select the ‘Self-diagnosis’ tab in the ‘Information > Log’ menu, so the 
LG Network Storage immediately runs self-diagnosis.