LG N2R1DB2 User Manual

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. LCD panel and front button usage

Information Mode
Information Mode shows the current status and information of LG Network Storage. 
Once in the [Information Mode], user may use the arrow keys to move through [IP 
Address Information] – [System Firmware Version] – [HDD Usage Capacity] – [Date and 
Time] – [Fan RPM Information].
[IP Address Information]
Mode allows user to check the IP address set up.
*  Pressing the Set key from the stand-by screen will allow a quick view of the IP 
*  If IP address is set up for automatic acquisition (DHCP), IP address may 
temporarily appear as in the process connecting to the DHCP 
[System Firmware Version Information]
This shows the version of the system firmware installed.
[Micom Firmware Version Information]
This shows the version of the Micom firmware installed.