LG N2R1DB2 User Manual

Page of 160
. LG Network Storage Web Menu Use (for LG Network Storage administrators)

[Blu-ray/DVD Drive Firmware Upgrade]
①  Verify connection to the Internet and download the firmware for the Blu-ray/DVD 
drive attached to the LG Network Storage from the product site linked below.
☞ http://www.lge.com
② Select the Blu-ray/DVD drive firmware downloaded from the product site.
③ Install selected Blu-ray/DVD drive firmware.
④  When upgrade is finished, the version of installed Blu-ray/DVD drive firmware 
will be indicated
*  For stability of data, a backup of the LG Network Storage is strongly 
recommended before upgrading. Installation takes between 1 to several minutes. 
Advance access of other client users to the LG Network Storage while upgrading 
firmware is forbidden.
LG Network Storage initialization function. Clicking on the ‘Initialization’ will Initialize the 
*  Caution must be taken when changing the settings, for post Initialization all-user 
information and data will be deleted.
* Initialization will take about 10 minutes.