Roland RMP-12 User Manual

Page of 36
System Settings
Settings that affect the entire RMP-12 are called “system settings.”
Hold down the [BEAT] button for a while.
The SYSTEM icon will blink in the display.
Turn the select knob to choose the parameter that 
you want to edit, and then press the select knob.
The value of the parameter you’re editing will blink.
For details, refer to the section that explains each parameter.
Turn the select knob to edit the value, and then 
press the select knob.
When you’ve finished editing, turn the select knob 
to choose “[OK]” and then press the select knob.
If you decide to discard the changes you made, turn the 
select knob to choose “[CANCEL]” and then press the select 
You will exit the editing screen.
As an alternative to selecting “[OK]” in step 4, you can 
confirm the change and exit the system setting screen 
by pressing the [BEAT] button or a [1]–[4] button.
The changes you’ve made will be lost if you turn off the 
power without exiting the editing screen.
In step 2 of “How to make system settings,” choose “LCDcont.”
Specify a value of 1–10. Higher values will make the display 
In step 2 of “How to make system settings,” choose “LineVol.”
Specify a value of 0–10. Higher values will increase the volume 
sent to the OUTPUT jack.
In step 2 of “How to make system settings,” choose “Sens.”
This sets the sensitivity of the head, adjusting the way in which 
your striking force affects the loudness of the sound.
Specify a value of -5–+9. Higher values will increase the 
sensitivity, allowing loud volumes to be produced even when you 
strike the pad softly. Lower values will decrease the sensitivity, so 
that the volumes produced will be low even if you strike the pad 
In step 2 of “How to make system settings,” choose “RimAdj” or 
RimAdj (Rim adjust)
This adjusts how easy it will be to play rim shots.
Specify a value from -9 to +9. If the rim sound is produced 
inadvertently when you strike the head strongly, decreasing this 
value will solve the problem. If this value is too low, it will be 
difficult to sound the rim instrument.
RimGain (Rim gain)
This sets the rim sensitivity, adjusting the way in which your 
striking force affects the loudness of the sound.
Specify a value from -9 to +9. Higher values will allow loud sounds 
to be produced even when you strike the rim softly. Lower values 
will produce softer sounds even if you strike the rim strongly.
If the “Sens,” “RimAdj,” and “RimGain” values are set too 
high, the RMP-12’s sensor may respond to loud sounds 
near the pad (such as a strong rim shot on an acoustic 
drum), inadvertently causing sound to be produced.
How to Make System Settings
Adjusts the display’s contrast.
Adjusts the volume that is output 
to the OUTPUT (MONO) jack.
Adjusts the sensitivity of the head.
Adjusts how easily the rim will 
Adjusts the sensitivity of the rim.
Adjusting the Display’s Contrast
Adjusting the Volume of the OUTPUT 
Adjusting the Head Sensitivity
Adjusting the Sensitivity of the Rim 29 ページ 2008年7月11日 金曜日 午前9時45分