Mitsubishi Electronics DX-TL1600EM User Manual

Page of 86
 Motion threshold setting
In this step, the MOTION THRESHOLD setting, which
serves as the trigger to initiate Alarm Recording, is set. In
this setting, the minimum number of active dots required to
initiate the MOTION DETECTION is established. The dots
are activated in the MOTION DETECTION function set-
tings. Using this value, the unit begins the MOTION DE-
TECTION when motion has been detected in more than
the specified minimum number of dots.
 When establishing a value for the MOTION
THRESHOLD setting, use a value which does not
exceed the number of active dots set for the MO-
TION DETECTION function. Please note that the
MOTION DETECTION function will not operate if
a larger value is used.
Example: Setting the MOTION THRESHOLD to “5” (the
default setting is “2”).
1. After step 3 of M-DET SETTING procedures on page 38.
Turn the JOG dial to select the MOTION THRESHOLD and
turn the SHUTTLE ring to the right.
• The sub-item will start flashing.
 TEST MODE           OFF
2. Turn the JOG dial to display 5 then turn the SHUTTLE ring
to the right.
• The sub-item stops flashing.
 TEST MODE           OFF
 Test mode setting
Testing MOTION DETECTION setting.
Example: Setting the TEST MODE to “ON” (the default set-
ting is “OFF”).
 To set the TEST MODE, please turn ON the CH.
1. After step 3 of M-DET SETTING procedures on page 38.
Turn the JOG dial to select the TEST MODE and turn the
SHUTTLE ring to the right.
• The sub-item will start flashing.
@TEST MODE           OFF
Various recording settings (continued)
2. Turn the JOG dial to display ON then turn the SHUTTLE
ring to the right.
• The <TEST MODE> menu will appear.
 The area where the MOTION DETECTION func-
tion has been activated is displayed using “ • ”. When
motion is detected on more dots than specified in
the MOTION THRESHOLD setting, i.e., when Alarm
Recording is initiated, the active symbol “   ” will
appear on-screen. Please redo settings if the unit
does not operate as intended.
3. To finish setting, turn the SHUTTLE ring to the left.
 When motion is continuously detected within the
active area established for the MOTION DETEC-
TION function, Alarm Recording will also continue.
In this case, each Alarm Recording will be extended
the duration that selecting sub-item in the A-REC
DURATION setting; these recordings will not, how-
ever, not be registered on the ALARM LIST.  If Alarm
Recording stops once, then re-starts at a later time,
this event will be registered on the ALARM LIST.
When Alarm Recording continues as a result of
motion being continuously detected, the unit cannot
receive instructions for other functions. In this situa-
tion, the MOTION DETECTION function can be fro-
zen for two seconds after pressing the STOP button
to stop the Alarm recording, which will override and
halt Alarm Recording. Settings can then be made
for other functions during this time. If settings are
not altered, the unit will automatically return to re-
cording after two seconds.
 As the ALARM IN terminals located on the unit’s
rear are always active, their input signals are given
priority during Alarm Recording. In addition, when
the MOTION DETECTION function has been acti-
vated, Alarm Recording will begin depending on the
input signals from each of the terminals.
 The MOTION DETECTION function cannot be
accessed when menus are left open.
 The M-DET indicator light is off when the MO-
TION DETECTION function cannot be accessed.
There may be cases when the unit’s built-
in MOTION DETECTION function does not
operate properly due to external condition
or video input signal or other factors.
 When you wish to use the MOTION DETECTION
function to activate Alarm Recording, the CAMERA
CH of the cameras to be used must be set to some-
thing other than “ - ” in the PRI (priority) setting of the