Chariot Carriers Corsaire XL User Manual

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The two-in-one weather cover (Cabriolet and Corsaire 
XL) is attached to the bottom of the front of the passenger 
compartment with two buckles.
Always make sure that the two-in-one weather cover is secu-
rely attached at the front.
Make sure that the front section of the two-in-one weather 
cover is pulled over the front ends of the passenger compart-
ment or over the ends of the fl oor pan (Captain XL), to help 
ensure that no water can penetrate the interior.
Rear fl ap
The rear fl ap (Cabriolet and Corsaire XL) is attached at the 
bottom by two velcro fasteners
The two-in-one weather cover of the Captain XL is attached at 
the front by two tabs to the relevant protrusions in the fl oor pan.
The rear fl ap of the Captain XL is attached at the bottom to the 
fl oor pan by 3 tabs and to the sides by two velcro fasteners.
For better ventilation during high temperatures, the rear fl ap can 
be opened, rolled up and secured in place by two elastic loops.
There is an insect mesh located under the rear fl ap and on the 
Cabriolet and Corsaire XL this is attached at the bottom by two 
velcro fasteners, but on the Captain XL by two tabs to the fl oor 
pan. This should be closed if the rear fl ap is open.