Q-Logic 2400 User Manual

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10–Converged Network Adapter Interactive Commands
CNA NIC Configuration
SN0054667-00  C
Unset Primary Team Member
3. CNA NIC Configuration4. Team Configuration9. Unset Primary Team Member
From the Configure Teams Menu, select the Unset Primary Team Member 
option to unset the primary team member. For example:
Team Index:  1 Team Description: [Default Vlan][Team 2]:QLogic Teaming Virtual 
Adapter #3
Select Team Index : 1
Team Members:
CNA: 1 CNA Port: 1  MAC: 00:0e:1e:04:95:e8 Description: "QLogic Dual Port 10 
Gigabit Ethernet CNA, PCIe 2.0 Adapter"
Current selection:
Team    : [Default Vlan][Team 2]:QLogic Teaming Virtual Adapter #3
Primary : QLogic Dual Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet CNA, PCIe 2.0 Adapter
Clear primary? (yes, no) [yes]: y
Saving team: [Default Vlan][Team 2]:QLogic Teaming Virtual Adapter #3
About to save team config. Please wait ...
Successfully saved extended parameters.
Save VLAN & Teaming Configuration
3. CNA NIC Configuration4. Team Configuration10. Save VLAN & Teaming Configuration
From the Configure Teams Menu, select the Save VLAN & Teaming 
 option to save the VLAN and teaming configuration. For example:
        Please Enter Selection: 10
Enter file name (or ENTER for vtstate-user.xml) :