Tascam HD-R1 User Manual

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7–LAN Interface
A computer running an FTP client application may 
be used to copy files to and from the HD-R1. Simply 
log into the HD-R1 as you would any FTP server. The 
HD-R1’s IP address can be found here: 
Main Menu 
˘ System Settings ˘ Network ˘ IP 
. The HD-R1 expects the FTP client to 
make a connection on port 21. 
When displaying Japanese, please use an FTP application 
that handles Unicode.
The case-sensitive password can be set here: 
Menu ˘ System Settings ˘ Network 
˘ Set Password
The User Name is HDR1 and cannot be changed. 
The default password is hdr1.
File transfer protocol (FTP)
Remote control (Telnet)
The HD-R1 can be controlled remotely over Ethernet 
by using Telnet over port 21. The protocol is the same 
as the one used for the RS-232C serial interface.