National Instruments PCI-232/4 Isolated User Manual

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© National Instruments Corporation
Using PCI Serial with Linux
one serial port. To change the baud base of your other serial ports, rerun 
 with a different serial port number specified in the command 
line. Enter the following to set the baud base. (In this example, high equals 
a baud base of 460800 and low equals a baud base of 115200):
linux# setserial /dev/ttyS<
port number> baud_base 115200
linux PCI-SERIAL#./clockspeed <
port number> <"high" or 
For example, enter the following to select a baud base of 115200 for 
 and for 
linux# setserial /dev/ttyS4 baud_base 115200
linux# setserial /dev/ttyS5 baud_base 115200
linux PCI-SERIAL# ./clockspeed 4 low
linux PCI-SERIAL# ./clockspeed 5 low
Enter the following to change the baud base back to 460800 for 
 and for 
linux# setserial /dev/ttyS4 baud_base 460800
linux# setserial /dev/ttyS5 baud_base 460800
linux PCI-SERIAL# ./clockspeed 4 high
linux PCI-SERIAL# ./clockspeed 5 high
Test the Setup
After you connect the cables to the port (as shown in your PCI serial getting 
started manual), run the 
 program (from the 
directory) to verify your setup. Make sure you specify two different ports 
for the 
 program, as shown in the following:
./serialtest <
receive port number> 
transmit port number>
If the test is successful, it displays a 
 message. If the test hangs, 
press <ctrl-c> to exit the program, and continue to the next section, 
To test 
, connect a cable between the 
two ports and enter the following:
linux PCI-SERIAL# ./serialtest 4 5