ZyXEL Communications omni.net LCD+M User Manual

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Technical Reference for ZyXEL omni.net series 
Step 2. After checking all active serial communication ports, the ZyXEL ISDN Configuration 
Manager automatically detects which communication port is connected to your ZyXEL omni.net 
If the ZyXEL ISDN Configuration Manager can not find your ZyXEL omni.net ISDN TA, it will 
prompt you with the Port Setup dialog-box, as shown in the following illustration: 
Figure 2. The Com Port Setting of ZyXEL ISDN Configuration Mangaer
1. In most cases, you only 
need to change Port selection 
to reflect the physical 
connection of your omni.net. 
Please select the correct COM 
Port (COM1 to COM4). 
2. Click here to open the 
Configuration Manager’s 
Posrt Setup dialog-box.