Airpura Industries V600 Leaflet

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Airpura can recommend specially blended 
carbons to deal with your specific airborne 
chemical problem. Solutions for over 4000 
chemicals are available
Recycles the air approximately every 30 minutes
Modern interiors release harmful chemicals
Formaldehyde from furniture, carpets
Ammonias from cleaning materials
Pesticides tracked in from outdoors
Benezene, toulene from heating fuels,
paints and glues
Airborne chemicals in work areas 
Work areas are often contaminated by chemicals 
released by manufacturing processes and office 
equipment.The resulting symptoms which may 
include headaches, drowsiness, rhinitis, other 
respiratory problems and the possible onset of 
An enhanced chemical filtering system is a good 
investment to prevent the personal distress and 
productivity losses that may result
Traps specific airborne chemicals - VOCs - with 
enhanced, impregnated, activated carbon as well 
as particles with its metal capped true HEPA filter
Ask our air quality experts
The Airpura V600
A good investment
Effective for up to 2000 square feet
Specific Chemicals - VOCs
Trap Specific Airborne
Chemicals -VOCs - as well as Particles 
Protect yourself from harmful airborne chemicals and VOCs
Long Lasting Filters
Hepa filters typically last up to  
5 years in regular use. 
Carbon filters typically last up to 2 
years depending on use
Pre-filters can be vacuumed from the 
exterior of the unit and should be 
changed every 12 months depending 
on use
Available in
 White / Black / Cream
The Airpura V600
Airpura Limited Warranty
5 years parts 10 years labor