Oregon Scientific DV33 User Manual

Page of 22
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 
Game Rules and Selection
Game Selection
There are 7 categories in the 
Darth Vader Laptop
: Word, Mathematics, Memory, Logic, Typing, Music and Fun.
The main category selection menu will scroll to the next category every 2 seconds. Use the lightsaber or the left and 
right arrow keys to scroll to the next category and press 
 to select. All the games under a category are listed in 
the game selection menu. The player can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the activity names and 
 to play. 
Alternatively during game play, the player can press the 
 button to go back to the game categories. Every 15 
seconds if the player is idle, Obi-Wan will say “Use the lightsaber or the arrow keys to select a category” .
In most activities the player will have three attempts per question. Star Wars characters will reveal the correct answer 
after three incorrect attempts.
If there is no input after 30 seconds, instruction prompts will be repeated.
Some of the activities have different levels. At the end of each round (consisting of ten questions) a summary score 
screen will be shown so the player can see how well they have done. If the player has 80 (except a score of 50 in 
Word-Word Blast) or more points they will go up a level. A score between 50 to 79 will mean repeating the same 
level. A score of 49 or less (except a score of 9 in Word-Word Blast) will mean going down a level. If the player has 
successfully completed all levels in an activity, the screen will go back to the selection menu of that category. In 
some of the games with no levels, after the player has completed a round of questions, the screen will also go back to 
the selection menu of that category.  
Time Limit
For most games, the player has one minute to answer each question.