Avaya 5620SW + EU24 User Manual

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Page 32 - Function Key Features 
Function Keys 
Page 32 - Function Keys 
IP Office (R3.0) 5620SW + EU24 User’s Guide 
Function Key Features 
40DHB0002USEP – Issue 1 (13th January 2005) 
AD - Abbreviated Dial (!) 
Dial the displayed number.  
This function requires entry of a number to dial when programmed. The 
 AD key 
displays that number. This function can be programmed through the phone by the user.  
The number does not have to be a complete number, the user can dial additional digits 
after pressing 
 AD. * and # can be entered in the number to match IP Office 
[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Abbreviated Dial] 
See also:  
•  Dial (#) on page 30. 
Admin - Self-Administer (!) 
Access menus for programming functions against display keys.  
 Admin key.  
 Admin key gives access to the menus for programming functions against 
[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Self-Administer] 
Apear - Appearance 
Add a display line for call appearances with symbols being displayed for Incoming 
Calls, Connected and On Hold. See Error! Reference source not found. on page 
Error! Bookmark not defined..  
This function does not require any data entered when programmed. However it is 
normal to enter some text such as a=b= and so on for each call appearance key.  
This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user. 
[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Appearance] 
AutCB - Automatic Callback (!) 
Sets a callback when free on busy extensions and callback when next used on 
unanswered extensions.  
This function does not require any data entered when programmed. This function can 
be programmed through the phone by the user using an 
 Admin key.  
When the called target extension does not answer or is busy, pressing 
 AutCB sets 
a callback on that extension. Whilst the callback is set, AutCB is shown with a   
symbol. Pressing 
 AutCB again cancels the callback.  
Hence, when the callback target extension becomes free or is next used, pressing 
 starts a call to that extension.  
[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Automatic Callback]