Dialogic 05-2239-009 User Manual

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When UDP is used as the transport protocol, the SIP stack automatically retries the request on the 
same address until a timeout occurs or a response is received. When such a timeout occurs there is 
generally no point in retrying further on the same address, but having the stack automatically retry 
on any additional addresses that are contained in the DNS server may be useful. All request retry 
configuration options that enable retry include this type of retry using DNS entries.
When TCP is used as the transport protocol, a request may fail because the destination is not able to 
accept TCP in addition to other failure causes. When a TCP request fails, it is generally desirable to 
have the stack retry the request using UDP, but because a UDP request is retried automatically until 
a response is received or the request times out, the time interval before the application receives a 
final fatal transport error may be significantly extended. Because of this, the options for enabling 
request retry allow retry using UDP on the same address for a TCP failure to be enabled separately 
in addition to retrying using addresses from the DNS server. Additionally, the SIP stack only retries 
TCP requests on the same address using UDP if the failure reason indicates that there is a 
reasonable possibility that the UDP request will succeed. In particular, there is little point in 
retrying if the failure was a 503 Service Unavailable because sending a UDP request to a busy 
server is no more likely to succeed than the failed TCP request. Another case where retrying a 
failed TCP request is not appropriate is if the failed connection was a connection to a proxy, since a 
failed connection to a proxy indicates that the proxy is not able to accept TCP or that the proxy is 
down—a fatal error in either case. 
An important third case occurs when an application attempts a request using UDP, but the request 
is forced to TCP because of its size. In this case, the application supplies an address that is valid for 
UDP transport because that is the protocol it assumes will be used. If the connection fails because 
the destination cannot accept TCP, it is appropriate for the SIP stack to retry the same address over 
UDP without the application’s intervention, because a UDP request is what the application 
expected to be sent in the first place. A separate configuration option is provided to accommodate 
this specific circumstance while disabling retry on the same address for requests explicitly sent 
over TCP.
When a request retry occurs, the Global Call IP library generates a GCEV_EXTENSION event that 
contains the following parameter element:
value = 
 data structure
If retry is not enabled in a particular circumstance, or if the retry attempt failed, the Dialogic
Global Call API library generates a GCEV_EXTENSION event containing the following 
parameter element:
value = 
 data structure 
In both the “retry continuing” and “no retry” cases, REQUEST_ERROR.error is an enumerated 
error code value, and REQUEST_ERROR.method is an array that contains up to 
IP_SIP_METHODSIZE characters of the method name. The defined values for the error field are:
Connection failed due to 503 Service Unavailable or other fatal error cause.