Dialogic 05-2239-009 User Manual

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 Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
The specific meaning of the GCEV_INVOKE_XFER termination event for successful transfers is 
dependant on the application and the transfer scenario(s) it uses. The possible outcomes when 
Global Call is used by all parties include the following:
If party A drops the primary call in unattended transfers before the transfer completes, party A 
does not receive any GCEV_INVOKE_XFER event at all.
If party B drops the primary call in unattended transfers before the transfer completes, party A 
receives a GCEV_INVOKE_XFER event that only signifies that party B has sent INVITE to 
party C.
For attended transfers or unattended transfers where the primary call is maintained during the 
transfer, party A receives a GCEV_INVOKE_XFER event which indicates that the transferred 
call was actually connected between party B and party C.
Table 32 identifies the protocol-specific variances in parameters for gc_InvokeXfer( )
The application may optionally set the specific information in the header fields of the SIP REFER 
message that is sent by this function by configuring a GC_PARM_BLK before calling 
gc_InvokeXfer( ), as described in 
Table 32. gc_InvokeXfer( ) Supported Parameters for SIP
The CRN of the call between party A and the remote party receiving the transfer request. 
This is the primary call in an unattended (blind) call transfer, but may be either call for an 
attended (supervised) transfer. 
For an attended (supervised) call transfer, the CRN of the call between party A and the 
remote party not receiving the transfer request (i.e. the call not specified in the crn 
For unattended (blind) call transfers, must be zero. 
For attended (supervised) call transfers, this parameter is ignored. Set to NULL. 
For an unattended (blind) call transfer, the address of party C (the rerouting address, which 
will be signaled to party B) as a string. This address is of the form
user@host; param=value 
user is a user name or phone number
host is a domain name or IP address
param=value is an optional additional parameter
For additional information on rules for destination addresses, see 
, on page 465 under the “Variance for SIP” heading. 
Note: When using the GC_MAKECALL_BLK *makecallp parameter to specify the 
rerouting address, this parameter must be set to NULL. 
For attended (supervised) call transfers, this parameter is Ignored. Set to NULL.
For an unattended (blind) call transfer, the address of party C (the rerouting address, which 
will be signaled to party B) as a GC_MAKECALL_BLK data structure. 
Note: When using the char *numberstr parameter to specify the rerouting address, this 
parameter must be set to NULL.
Ignored. Set to NULL.