Golden Technologies GP601 CC User Manual

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Compass Owner’s Manual – Models # : GP600 SS, GP600 CC, GP601 SS, GP601 CC 
Revised 02/20/08 
The Joystick Display 
The joystick display (see figure 17 on page 22) is a multifunctional visual display.  
This display provides three types of information.  
1. On/Off status  
2. Battery charge level  
3. Fault diagnostics  
1. On/Off Status  
When you turn on the power to your Compass
, the LED array will light up 
(see figure 17 on page 22). 
♦ If the LED array is not lit, the controller and the power chair are not in 
   operating mode.  
2. Battery Charge Level  
The joystick LED array is composed of six LED’s.  
♦Two red  
♦Two amber 
♦Four green  
When all eight (8) LEDs are lit continuously, there is a full charge on the batter-
ies. As you use your power chair and the batteries discharge, LEDs in the array 
will begin to turn off in descending order.  A single lit red LED indicates the 
lowest state of operable charge on the batteries. The batteries should be 
charged immediately. 
NOTE: To ensure a dependable battery charge, we recommend that you charge the 
chair’s batteries overnight.  Doing this will prolong the life of the batteries 
and spare you loss of operational power while you are using your chair 
Do not charge the batteries when all 8 LEDs are lit, indicating that the 
batteries are at full charge. Charging the batteries when they are fully 
charged will shorten the life of the batteries.  
3 . Fault Diagnostics                                                              
The joystick LED array is also designed to help you diagnose any problems with 
the electrical components of your power chair. The LED array does this by flashing 
on and off in a coded sequence.  
See the table on the following page to see the list of diagnosable problems and the 
flash code sequence.