Emerson Process Management CFA-3000 User Manual

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To initiate auto calibration, press               on the keypad panel – the CALIBRATION LED will light.  When multi­
stream systems are being calibrated, only  Stream 1 LED is lit.
Baseline calibration will run first for approximately 15 minutes. Full­scale calibration follows, lasting approximately
15 minutes (the actual time for calibration depends on the chemistry). When full­scale calibration is finished,
CALIBRATION LED goes out and the value is displayed on the LCD. The  “­ ­ ­ ­” display signifies that a delay
is required before the next sample is displayed.
Sample analysis automatically begins after calibration. The time delay from the start of sample analysis to dis­
play of results is approximately 15 minutes. This allows sufficient time for the previous solution to wash through
system, for sample and reagents to react, for analyzer to measure sample and display concentration value. 
When the CALIBRATION LED and the ”­000­” display in a single­stream system go out, the displayed value on
the keypad panel is the actual stream value.
For a multi­stream system, after auto calibration, Sample Stream status LED’s will light to show sample stream
valve currently selected and sample stream concentration currently displayed. For example, for the first stream
sample, VALVE SELECTED LED is lit for that stream; dashes display on the keypad panel. When analyzer finish­
es sampling one stream and moves on to the next, the display shows the previous sample stream concentration
value, and its VALVE DISPLAYED LED lights up. VALVE SELECTED LED will be lit for next valve in sequence.
Note:  If for any reason a calibration is not wanted and needs to be aborted, press: 
then,             , then             to abort the calibration. Press                twice in rapid succession on initial
start­up for priming of sample & reagents
Process a Grab Sample
The analyzer allows you to rapidly analyze a grab sample.
Press              on the keypad panel, to introduce a grab sample into the analyzer from the holder on the overflow
sample panel.  
If visible, suspended solids are present in the sample, filter it to 8 microns or less.