GoVideo DDV2001 Manual De Usuario

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Dual-Deck VCR User’s Guide
I N S E R T   T A P E
Insert a VHS tape with a record safety
tab into Deck 1 or Deck 2.
S E T   R E C O R D   S P E E D
Press the SP/SLP key to set the record speed to:
• SP – Standard Play, for best quality.
• SLP – Super Long Play, for maximum recording
time (3 times longer than SP).
S E L E C T   D E S I R E D   C H A N N E L
Use the 0-9 keys or the CH +/– keys to select the
channel you wish to record (or use the TV VIEW key
to select and record from Aux or the other deck).
S T A R T   R E C O R D I N G
Press REC.
O P T I O N S   D U R I N G   R E C O R D I N G
• To pause, press PLAY 
• To resume, press REC again.
• To stop, press STOP 
• To watch a different channel, press TV/VCR to
switch to TV mode, then select the desired
channel on your TV.
• To watch another videotape, insert a tape in the
other deck and press PLAY 
• One-Touch Recording – To add recording time
in 30 minute increments, press REC repeatedly.
“OTR” will appear on the on-screen display,
followed by the number of minutes the VCR will
record. Continue pressing REC to add up to 9
hours and 30 minutes. When the recording time
has elapsed, the VCR will stop recording auto-
• OTR Loop Record – When you reach OTR 9:30,
press REC again to enter OTR Loop mode. The
selected deck will record over and over again
until you press STOP 
. This can be used for
continuous recording of security cameras.
This Chapter will show you how to record television programs
and set recording preferences.
Follow these steps to record a television
show currently in progress.
Record Safety Tab
• If you press POWER during One-Touch
Recording, the front panel display will flash
and the VCR will turn off automatically when
the recording time has elapsed.