Casio 3434 Manual De Usuario

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Operation Guide 3434
To toggle a city code time between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time
1.  In the World Time Mode, use 
D and B to display the 
city code (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight 
Saving Time setting you want to change.
2.  Hold down 
A for about one second to toggle Daylight 
Saving Time (DST displayed) and Standard Time (DST 
not displayed).
x  The DST indicator is on the display whenever you display 
a city code for which Daylight Saving Time is turned on.
x  Note that the DST/Standard Time setting affects only 
the currently displayed city code. Other city codes are 
not affected.
x  Note that you cannot switch between Standard Time 
and Daylight Saving Time while UTC is selected as the 
city code.
DST indicator 
World Time
World Time shows the current time in 48 cities (31 time 
zones) around the world.
x  All of the operations in this section are performed in 
the World Time Mode, which you enter by pressing 
(page E-6).
To view the time for another city code
While in the World Time Mode, use 
D (eastward) and 
B (westward) to scroll through the city codes (time zones).
x  For full information about city codes, see the “City Code 
Table” at the back of this manual.
x  If the current time for a city is wrong, check your 
Timekeeping Mode time and time zone settings and 
make the necessary changes.
City code
Current time and date in 
the zone of the selected 
city code
Swapping the Home City Time with a Local Time
You can use the procedure below to swap the current Home City Time (T-1) with one 
of the Local Times (T-2, T-3, T-4).
1.  In the Timekeeping Mode, use 
D to display the Local Time that you want to swap 
with the Home City Time.
2.  Press 
A and B at the same time.
12/24-Hour Format 
x  With the 12-hour format, the P (PM) indicator appears to the left of the hour digits for 
times in the range of noon to 11:59 p.m. and no indicator appears to the left of the 
hour digits for times in the range of midnight to 11:59 a.m.
x  With the 24-hour format, times are displayed in the range of 0:00 to 23:59, without 
any indicator.
x  The 12-hour/24-hour timekeeping format you select in the Timekeeping Mode is 
applied in all other modes.
Changing the City Setting of a Local Time 
You can select any one of the city codes in the table at the back of this manual as a 
Local Time city.
1.  Display the Local Time whose city setting you want to change, and then hold down 
A for about one second until the current city code starts to fl ash.
2.  Use 
D (east) and B (west) to select the city code you want.
3.  Press 
C to display the DST setting screen.
4.  Press 
D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (
 displayed) and Standard 
Time (
5. After the settings are the way you want, press 
To toggle the Timekeeping Mode time between DST and Standard Time
1.  Use 
D to display the current Home City Time (T-1) 
2.  Hold down 
A until the seconds start to fl ash, which 
indicates the setting screen.
3.  Press 
C to display the DST setting screen.
4.  Press 
D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time 
 displayed) and Standard Time (
5. Press 
A to exit the setting screen.
x  The DST indicator appears on the Timekeeping screen to 
indicate that Daylight Saving Time is turned on.
DST indicator 
x  See “Daylight Saving Time (DST)” on page E-14 for details about DST setting.
x  For information about Flash Alert, see “Flash Alert” (page E-41).
5.  Press 
A to exit the setting screen.
x  The day of the week is displayed automatically in accordance with the date (year, 
month, and day) settings.
Daylight Saving Time (DST) 
Daylight Saving Time (summer time) advances the time setting by one hour from 
Standard Time. Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight 
Saving Time.
To do this:
Do this:
Reset the seconds to 
Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (
and Standard Time (
Change the city code.
D (east) and B (west).
Change the hour or minutes.
D (+) and B (–).
Toggle between 12-hour (
) and 24-hour 
) timekeeping.
Change the year.
D (+) and B (–).
Change the month or day.
Toggle the setting between 1.5 seconds 
(   ) and 3 seconds (   ).
Toggle between Flash Alert on 
City Code
Flash Alert
Illumination Duration Setting
12/24-Hour Format
4.  When the setting you want to change is fl ashing, use 
D and B to change it as 
described below.
Changing the Current Home City Time and Date Settings
1.  Use 
D to display the current Home City Time (T-1) 
2.  Hold down 
A until the seconds start to fl ash, which 
indicates the setting screen.
3.  Press 
C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown 
below to select other settings.
x  While the Home City Time (T-1) screen is displayed, pressing A will switch the day 
of the week / month-day indication to the currently selected Home City code and the 
T-1 indicator for about one second.
x  You can change the current time setting for your Home City Time (T-1) only.
x  For Local Times (T-2, T-3, T-4), you only can change the city code and DST setting.
Scrolling through the Time Screens
x  In the Timekeeping Mode (page E-6), holding down D for about three seconds will 
cycle the time screens in sequence, from T-1 through T-4.
x  Pressing any button will display the Home City Time (T-1) screen.