Casio 2471 Manual De Usuario

Página de 8
With a Reference Altitude
• If you set a reference altitude, the watch
uses that value when calculating altitude
based on air pressure.
• To determine the height of a tall building,
set the reference altitude to 0 on the
ground floor. Note, however, that you may
not be able to get a good reading if the
building is pressurized or air-conditioned.
• When mountain climbing, you can set the
reference value in accordance with a
marker along the way or altitude
information from a map. After you do this,
the altitude readings produced by the
watch will be more accurate than they
would without a reference altitude.
To take an altitude reading
Pressing E in the Timekeeping Mode or in any of the other sensor modes
enters the Altimeter Mode. The watch automatically starts altitude
measurement, and displays the results.
• See “About Altitude Measurements” for important information.
• Altitude is displayed in units of 5 meters (20 feet).
• The measurement range for altitude is –700 to 10,000 meters (–2,300 to
32,800 feet).
About one
second later
Altitude graph (current altitude flashing) (unit: 10m/40 ft.)
Timekeeping Mode time
• The measured altitude may be a negative value in cases where there is a
reference altitude value set or because of certain atmospheric conditions.
• The displayed altitude value changes to xxxxx meters (or feet) if a
measured altitude falls outside the measurement range. The altitude value
will be displayed again as soon as the measured altitude is within the
allowable range.
• You can change the unit of measurement for the displayed altitude values
between meters (m) and feet (ft). See “To change the Altitude Units”.
About Altitude Measurements
There are two types of altitude measurements: those for displayed data
(Altimeter Mode measurements) and those for memory data (Memory
Altimeter Mode measurement
You can perform Altimeter Mode measurements in the Altimeter Mode only,
and an altimeter measurement operation starts whenever you enter the
Altimeter Mode.
During the first three minutes after entering the Altimeter Mode, ALTI flashes
on the display and measurements are taken every five seconds. After that,
the interval between measurements depends on whether you are using the
Short Mode (1-minute intervals) or the Long Mode (2-minute intervals).
• Long Mode is the default setting. See “Memory measurement” for
information about the Short Mode and Long Mode.
• If you do not perform any operation while in the Altimeter Mode, the watch
automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode after four or five hours in
the Short Mode, or after nine or 10 hours in the Long Mode.
Memory measurement
The memory measurement operation stores the following data in watch
memory. Note that each time you perform a memory measurement operation,
it creates a new set of records, replacing the set of records currently in
memory. Memory measurement continues to be performed (indicated by the
REC indicator flashing on the display) even if you change to another mode.
Measurement start time, date, and altitude: 1 record
Automatic altitude readings and time, at fixed interval: Up to 39 records
Measurement end time, date, and altitude: 1 record
The watch also calculates the following values using measured data and
maintains one record for each in memory.
Relative altitude (altitude difference between start point and current altitude or
measurement end altitude)
Measurement time
Maximum altitude (highest measured altitude in memory)
Total ascent (total of ascents (A + B))
Cumulative total ascent (total of all measured altitude values in memory)
Start point
Stop point
Maximum altitude
• Starting a new measurement automatically clears relative altitude,
measurement time, maximum altitude, and total ascent values currently in
• Starting a new measurement does not clear cumulative total ascent. This
value continues to increase until it reaches 99,995 meters (327,983 feet).
After that, it reverts to 0 and starts again.
• The interval between memory measurements depends on whether the
Short Mode or the Long Mode is selected.
Short Mode: 5-minute interval
Long Mode: 15-minute interval
• Relative altitude, cumulative total ascent, and maximum altitude data is
calculated at regular intervals, depending on the Long Mode/Short Mode
setting. In both modes, calculations are performed every five seconds for the
first three minutes. After that, calculations are performed every minute in the
Short Mode and every two minutes in the Long Mode.
To select the Short Mode or Long Mode
1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down A until the
display clears. After four or five seconds,
either OFF or the current reference altitude
value (if set) starts to flash, which indicates
the setting screen.
• OFF indicates no reference altitude.
l l l l l l l l
• Note that you will not be able to change the
Short/Long Mode setting if a memory
measurement operation is in progress.
2. Press D twice.
• This causes either 0:05 (Short Mode) or
0:15 (Long Mode) to appear, which
indicates the current mode setting.
3. Each press of E toggles between the Short
Mode and Long Mode.
4. Press A to exit the setting screen.
To perform memory measurement
Hold down E for about one second until REC
flashes, which indicates that memory
measurement has started.
• Memory measurement stops automatically
after there are 41 records accumulated in
memory. When you want to stop a memory
measurement operation manually, hold down
E for about one second until REC disappears.
l l l l l
l l
l l
l l l
l l l
• While a memory measurement operation is in progress, press A to toggle
between the Standard Altitude screen and the Relative Altitude screen.
• REC flashes on the display while a memory measurement operation is in
• Starting the memory measurement operation deletes any altimeter data
(except for cumulative total ascent data) currently in memory (and its graph)
and replaces it with the new data. Note that you cannot delete memory
contents manually.
Relative altitude
Press A.
Timekeeping Mode time
Standard Altitude
Relative Altitude
Measurement time
REL indicator
l l l l l l l l
• You can recall data in memory using the Data Recall Mode.
Setting a Reference Altitude
After you set a reference altitude, the watch adjusts its air-pressure-to-altitude
conversion calculation accordingly. The altitude measurements produced by
this watch are subject to error caused by changes in air pressure. Because of
this, we recommend that you update the reference altitude whenever one is
available during your climb.
To set a reference altitude
1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down A until the
display clears. After four or five seconds,
either OFF or the current reference altitude
value (if set) starts to flash, which indicates
the setting screen.
2. Press E (+) or B (–) to change the current
reference altitude value by 5 meters (or 20 feet).
• You can set the reference altitude within the
range of –10,000 to 10,000 meters (–32,800
to 32,800 feet).