Polycom H340 Manual De Usuario

Página de 46
SpectraLink Corporation 
Configuration and Administration–NetLink e340/h340/ i640 Wireless Telephone 
NetLink Telephony Gateway and SpectraLink Radio Protocol 
PN: 72-1065-09-J.doc  
Page 32 
Screen 2 
•  Jitter = average error or “wobble” in received packet timing, in microseconds 
•  LastRate = Last successful transmit data rate 
•  GatewyType = Gateway type 
J i t t e 
  r                n  n  n  n n 
L a s t R  a  t e            n  n  n  n n 
G a t  e  w  y  T  y  p  e        m  n  e  m  o 
•  mnemo – A mnemonic that indicates what type of gateway is being used 
•  SawA2 – All handsets are rate limited to 2Mb because a 500 series NetLink 
Wireless Telephone is on the network. 
•  11Mb – Gateway with SVP Server and no 500 series NetLink Wireless 
Telephones. This system can run at the full 11Mb speed. 
Screen 3 
Screen 3 contains a list of the APs that are heard and the following parameters from 
each AP: 
•  Indicator as to whether this is the current AP or an index into the list of other 
APs heard 
•  Last 2 octets of the MAC address of the AP  
•  Channel number 
•  Signal strength  
•  Either the 802.11 Association ID from the current AP or a mnemonic for the 
reason code indicating why the handset didn’t hand off to this other AP. 
C :  m m  m  m    c  h    -  s  s   a i d   
1 :  m m  m  m    c  h    -  s  s    m  n  e  m 
2 :  m m  m  m    c  h    -  s  s    m  n  e  m 
3 :  m m  m  m    c  h    -  s  s    m  n  e  m 
•  C – Indicates the AP that the handset is currently using 
•  n – Indicates an index into the list of other APs, where n is equal to 1, 2, or 3 
•  mmmm – This hexadecimal number is the last 2 octets of this AP’s MAC 
•  ch – Channel number the AP is configured on 
•  -ss – Signal strength for the AP in dBm 
•  aid – The Association ID for the currently associated AP 
•  mnem – A mnemonic that indicates why the handset didn’t hand off to this 
other AP: 
Unkn – Reason unknown 
Weak – Signal Strength too weak 
Rate – One or more basic rates not supported