Cisco Systems 4300E Manual De Usuario

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Cisco Video Surveillance 4300E and 4500E High-Definition IP Camera User Guide
Chapter 3      Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Feature Setup Windows
 describes the option in the Patrol Sequence window.
Table 3-8
Patrol Sequence Window Options 
Patrol Sequence Area
Dwell Time
Choose the length of time in seconds that the camera remains in each preset 
position when a patrol sequence runs.
Available list
Selected list
Configure the order in which the IP camera executes up to 8 steps in a patrol 
sequence. The Available list displays preset positions that you can use in the 
patrol sequence. You define these preset positions in the Camera 
Video/Control window. The Selected list displays the steps in the patrol 
When the patrol sequence executes, the IP camera goes to the first preset 
position in the Selected list, then moves through each position in the list in 
order. It remains in each position for the time that is defined in the Time 
Delay field. It stops at the last position in the list.
To move preset positions between the Available list and the Selected list, use 
the following buttons. Buttons become highlighted when they are available.
—Move the selected preset position or positions from the Available 
             list to the Selected list. To select a preset position, click it to 
             highlight it. To select more than one preset positions, Ctrl-click 
             each one.
—Move the selected preset position or positions from the Selected 
             list to the Available list. To select a preset position, click it to 
             highlight it. To select more than one preset positions, Ctrl-click 
             each one.
—Move all preset positions from the Available list to the Selected 
—Move all preset positions from the Selected list to the Available 
To configure the order of steps in the Selected list, use the following buttons. 
Buttons become highlighted when they are available. To select a preset 
position, click it to highlight it. 
—Move the selected preset position to the top of the list.
—Move the selected preset position up one position.
—Move the selected preset position down one position.
—Move the selected preset position to the bottom of the list.