Sigma LBA-708 Manual De Usuario

Página de 281  Top Hat Fluence 
The Top Hat computational results displays a value for the Max and Min fluence observed in a 
Top Hat beam’s energy profile.  This result is affected by which Top Hat method is being 
employed.  The Top Hat Fluence Pass/Fail edit control items are applied to both the Max and 
Min fluence results.  It is anticipated that the Minimum Pass/Fail limit is primarily applicable to 
the Min results, and that the Maximum Pass/Fail limit is primarily applied to the Max results.  
Thus an energy intensity range can define the acceptable limits of the Top Hat beam’s working 
surface area. 
Divergence Pass/Fail 
The following results may be monitored from the Divergence… dialog below the main menu 
Pass/Fail item. 
Figure 44 
3.4  Window... Drop Down Menu Selections 
Note: The numbers appearing in front of the selections will vary with the screen setup. 
1 Results 
2 <Frame>  (Beam display window) 
3 <W x H x R> 
(Pan/Zoom window) 
4 <T:tt R:rr>  (Tilt Rotate Window) 
5 Histogram  (Histogram display window) 
Click on one of the numbered items to restore and activate the window. 
Operator’s Manual 
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10