Sterling Plumbing 150 Manual De Usuario

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Cabinet Series Dehumidifying Dryer 
Chapter 5:   Operation 
5-1 Pre-Startup 
1.  Verify that the drying hopper is clean of rust-prohibitive oil or any foreign objects. 
2.  Verify that process and return hose connections are tight. 
3.  If your dryer has a water-cooled aftercooler, make sure that sufficient cooling water flows 
properly through the coil and that you have bled any trapped air from the system. Make sure that 
the aftercooler has the proper supply water temperature. 
4.  Check all companion equipment, such as the sight glass loader and drying hopper loader; verify 
that all convey tubing is in place and the loading system is ready for operation. 
5.  Verify that all electrical connection are tight and the unit is properly grounded. 
6.  With main power on, turn the dryer on until the process blower starts, verify blower rotation. 
Important!    Clean the rust-preventing oil from inside the drying hopper. 
Failure to clean the hopper fouls the desiccant and voids your 
5-2    Startup 
1.  Turn on (energize) the disconnect switch in your power drop. 
2.  Turn the system ON/OFF switch to ON to energize the display panel. 
3.  Close the slidegate at the bottom of the drying hopper. 
4.  On three-phase models, make sure that the blowers turn in the right direction. 
5.  Fill the drying hopper with material.  
6.  Turn the DRYER ON/SEQUENCE SHUTDOWN switch to ON to start the dryer. 
7.  The process blower will start.  
8.  Set the process set point on the temperature controller to the recommend drying temperature 
provided by the resin manufacturer. Press and hold the Auto-Tune key on the process temperature 
controller for two (2) seconds to initiate the auto-tune function. 
9.  After the proper pre-drying time for the initial hopper fill has elapsed, fully open the drying 
hopper slide gate. 
Note:  To allow proper residence time during continuous processing, maintain the 
material level in the hopper at the midpoint of the air trap assembly. 
5-3 Shutdown 
1.  Turn off the conveying system supplying the drying hopper. 
2.  When processing is complete, close the hopper slide gate and shut down any in-line companion 
equipment, such as the aftercooler. 
3.  Turn the dryer ON/OFF selector switch to the SEQUENCE SHUTDOWN position. The 
sequence shutdown operation turns off process heaters and keeps the process blower on for