StorageTek 312564001 Manual De Usuario

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DB2 Manager User Guide 
Requirement: Optional 
  Validation:  nnnn = 1-4 digit numeric value in range 0 - 1440 
Use:  The RETAINTAPE parameter specifies the number of minutes 
for which a tape is to remain mounted after all outstanding 
retrieval requests from that tape have been processed by the 
DB2 Manager control region. 
  A tape which has not been referenced for the specified interval 
will be automatically dismounted.  A dismount of a tape may 
be forced by DB2 Manager prior to expiration of this time 
interval if no free tape drive is available for allocation of a new 
tape volume, and the tape is the least-recently referenced of 
all currently mounted tape volumes. 
  A value of 0 indicates that tapes will be dismounted 
immediately after the last outstanding request for retrieval from 
each tape has been processed. 
  A value of 1440 indicates that tapes are held permanently on a 
drive until a dismount is forced when there are no free tape 
drives to satisfy a new request (as described above), or until 
termination of the DB2 Manager control region. 
Notes:  This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via 
the 'SET RETAINTAPE' operator command. 
  If this parameter is omitted, a default value of RETAINTAPE=0 
will be used. 
TAPEWAIT = nnnn 
Requirement: Optional 
  Validation:  nnnn = 1-4 digit numeric value in range 0 - 1440 
Use:  TAPEWAIT is an optional parameter which is used to control 
whether retrieval requests for tape-resident Archive Manager 
objects which cannot be immediately satisfied are rejected 
(with a ‘resource unavailable’ reason code) or queued 
internally until a tape retrieval resource becomes available, or 
until a maximum wait limit has been exceeded.   ‘nnnn’ must 
be a 1-4 digit numeric character string in the range 0-1440, 
which specifies the maximum number of minutes for which 
requests are to be queued internally.