Keys Fitness BS-9101 Manual De Usuario

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exposure to infrareds outside of overheating. 
 – You will feel the heat being generated by the infrared emitters immediately.   
The wavelength of this heat will allow the rays to penetrate your skin and heat your body beneath the surface.   
This will excite the water molecules stored in the layer of fat just beneath your skin, and cause you to start to 
sweat.    Most people tend to sweat after about 20 minutes, although this time period shortens with frequent 
sauna use.    This sweat also allows the body to detoxify itself as the toxins it has eliminated from your blood 
stream and stored in your fat layer can now be brought to the surface of the skin with the sweat.    The direct 
heat will also cause your blood vessels to dilate (increasing your circulation) and will increase your breathing 
and heart rate.    Your body will also burn calories as it produces sweat.    It is recommended that you drink 
water before, during and after your sauna to make sure you do not become dehydrated. 
Be careful with what you take inside of your sauna with you.    Some metals absorb the infrared rays and can 
become extremely hot during a sauna session. 
 – It is recommended that you towel off after your sauna session.  It is NOT 
recommended that you take a shower immediately after as the pores in your skin will be open and could 
potentially absorb anything in your water; but if you do shower, do not use soap – just rinse off. 
 – Your sauna does not require a lot of care.    If desired, you can wipe it down with 
water and a clean cloth.    Do not use oils or cleaning chemicals, as these items will then be released next time 
you are in your sauna and could potentially cause you health issues.     
– Benefits of infrared therapy have been studied for several decades in Japan, 
Europe and recently in the US as well.    Frequent users of infrared saunas have seen: 
-  Lowering of blood pressure 
-  Decrease of joint stiffness 
- Weight 
-  Lowering of blood sugar levels 
-  Increase in blood flow 
-  Lowering of cholesterol 
-  Lowering of triglycerides 
-  Relief of muscle spasms 
- Pain 
-  Increases extensibility of collagen tissue 
-  Assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema and exudates 
-  Help with acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns and skin lesions and cuts 
-  Helps open wound heal quicker and with less scarring 
-  Improve skin tone and elasticity 
-  Breaks up cellulite 
-  Boosts immune system 
-  Helps reduce injuries when used for warming up muscles before stretching and exercising 
 – The infrared rays emitted by your infrared sauna is reputed to offer an astounding range of 
possible therapeutic benefits and effects in research conducted around the work.  These benefits are 
presented a reference purposes only, and no implication of Infrared Saunas creating a cure for or treating any 
disease is implied nor should be inferred.    If you have a health condition, are using prescription drugs or have 
acute joint problems, please consult your physician before beginning an infrared sauna therapy routine.  
Persons with surgical implants (metal pins, rods, artificial joints, silicone or other) typically do not experience