Chicago Electric 65588 Manual De Usuario

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SKU 65588 
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. 
Page 2
IMportant saFetY 
InForMatIon ............................ 3
set up precautIons ....................3
operatIng precautIons ............4
reFueLIng precautIons: ...........6
BasIc specIFIcatIons ............. 6
unpacKIng .................................. 6
operatIng InstructIons ...... 7
engIne controLs ....................7
cHecKIng and FILLIng 
engIne oIL ...............................8
cHecKIng and FILLIng FueL ..9
startIng tHe engIne ..............9
BreaK-In perIod ....................10
equIpMent operatIon .......... 10
tecHnIcaL specIFIcatIons .. 11
servIcIng .................................. 11
MaIntenance procedures ..... 11
engIne oIL cHange ............... 11
sparK pLug MaIntenance ..12
FueL FILter repLaceMent 
(IF equIpped) .........................13
cLeanIng, MaIntenance, and 
LuBrIcatIon scHeduLe ..........13
aFter InItIaL 20 
operatIon Hour perIod: .13
everY 25 operatIon 
Hours tHereaFter: ...........13
everY 50 operatIon 
Hours: ....................................13
everY 100 operatIon 
Hours: ....................................13
everY 300 operatIon 
Hours: ....................................13
storage ........................................14
trouBLesHootIng ......................15
parts LIsts and dIagraMs . 17
 BodY parts LIst “a” ..................17
BodY dIagraM “a” ......................17
generator parts LIst “B” .......18
generator dIagraM “B” ..........18
engIne parts LIst “c” ...............19
engIne asseMBLY dIagraM 
“c” .................................................20
LIMIted 1 Year / 90 daY 
warrantY .............................. 21
eMIssIon controL sYsteM 
warrantY .............................. 22