Roland V-Synth Manual De Usuario

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A dialog box will ask you to confirm deletion of the device. Verify the contents of the dialog box, and click 
[OK]. Delete each unwanted occurrence of “Composite USB Device,” “USB Device,” or “USB composite 
device” indications with an “!” or “?” symbol.
Turn off the power of the V-Synth, then delete the driver.
Restart Windows. Then install the driver once again.
* If the problem still occurs after you have taken the above measures, please refer also to the Readme file for the USB driver. The 
Readme file is on the CD-ROM.
Problems Related to the USB Driver (Macintosh)
A message of “Drivers need-
ed for the USB device “V-
Synth” are not available. 
Would you like to look for 
these drivers over the inter-
net?” is displayed
It is possible that the V-Synth’s USB MIDI driver has 
not been correctly installed in your computer.
Correctly install the USB MIDI driver as described in 
Readme file on the included CD-ROM.
It is possible that there is a conflict with the driver 
(function extension) of another USB device.
We are aware of a problem that causes the V-Synth to 
not be recognized correctly if a driver for I-O Data Cor-
poration’s USB CD-R drive is installed. In this case, dis-
able “ISD 200 BOTBridge” or other driver file by 
moving it out of the Extensions folder, located within 
the system folder.
When the computer returns 
from the Sleep state, an indi-
cation of “MIDI off line!” ap-
The V-Synth’s USB MIDI driver does not support the 
Sleep functionality of Mac OS.
Do not use the Sleep functionality of Mac OS. When 
you use the V-Synth, open the “Energy Saver” control 
panel and specify “Never” as the period of inactivity 
before the system goes to sleep.