Roland XV-5080. Manual De Usuario

Página de 312
Chapter 5 Creating a Performance
How a Performance Is 
With Performances, you can combine a total of up to 32 
separate Patches and Rhythm Sets to enjoy ensemble 
performances featuring rich tones. In other words, using 
Performances allows you to control 32 separate tones with a 
single XV-5080. A sound module that can simultaneously 
produce multiple sounds is called a multitimbral sound 
Basic Ways to Use 
There are three basic ways to use Performances.
Playing Multiple Patches Together 
Refer to “QUICK START” (p. 21).
Playing Separate Patches in Different 
Areas of the Keyboard (Split)
Refer to “QUICK START” (p. 25).
Using the XV-5080 as a Multitimbral 
Sound Generator
In Performance mode, you can use the XV-5080 as a 32-part 
multitimbral sound generator. Try selecting some Parts and 
sounds, and then play the multiple Parts together as a 
The basic steps for doing this include:
• Setting the Part’s MIDI reception channels (Part MIDI) 
• Setting the MIDI connector that receives MIDI messages 
After you have completed setting up your Performance, try 
playing a sequence from your computer or sequencer using 
the Performance’s sounds.
Common tips for creating Performances can be listed as 
• You can modify the Patch (Tone) settings of each Part 
Choosing the Parts to Play
Turn on each Part you wish to use.
1. Select the Performance you wish to use.
2. Press [RX] to make the indicator light.
3. Use PART SELECT [1/17]–[16/32] to switch each Part 
on—so its indicator lights—or off, so its indicator is 
To turn Parts 17–32 on or off, press [1-16/17-32], getting its 
indicator to light, and then press the desired PART SELECT 
[1/17]–[16/32] button.
4. Press [RX], getting its indicator light to go out.
* This setting is linked to the setting for the Part MIDI Receive 
After Step 2 is carried out, the following screen appears.
After using [
], [
], [
], or [
] to move the cursor 
to the desired part, you can press [INC] to switch it on, or 
[DEC] to switch it off.
You can switch all parts off or on by pressing [F5 (All Off)], 
or [F6 (All On)].
Additionally, by pressing [F1 (#Solo)] and switching Solo 
Part to “ON,” the XV-5080 enters Solo mode, whereby only 
the Part at which the cursor is placed plays. When you want 
to exit Solo mode, press [F1 (#Solo)] once more, switching 
Solo Part “OFF.”
Part 1
Part 9
Part 10
Part 32
4Tone Patch, 
Multi Percial Patch
or Rhythm set
4Tone Patch, 
Multi Percial Patch
or Rhythm set