Roland VS-880EX Manual De Usuario

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SYS Scene Mode
This setting determines the fader settings when a
Scene is recalled.
This changes the mixer settings to those of
the Scene being recalled. In this case, when a
Scene is recalled, the location of the faders on
the top panel may no longer match the actual
fader settings.
This changes the mixer settings to those of
the Scene being recalled, with the exception
of the fader settings. This means that even
when a Scene is recalled, fader settings will
still match the fader positions on the top
4. Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].
Return to Play condition.
Deleting a Scene
1. Press [SCENE].
The SCENE indicator lights.
2. The indicators for the LOC buttons ([1/5]–[4/8])
to which scene are stored then light.
3. Hold down [CLEAR], and press the LOC button
([1/5]–[4/8]) for the scene that you wish to clear.
For example if you wish to clear the mixer settings
that were stored in scene 1, hold down [CLEAR]
and press [1/5]. If you wish to clear the mixer set-
tings that were stored in scene 5, hold down both
[CLEAR] and [SHIFT], and press [1/5].
4. Press [SCENE] once more.
The SCENE indicator will go dark. If you wish to halt
the Clear procedure, press [SCENE] before step 3.
Making Mixer Settings
Automatically (EZ Routing)
Settings related to mixer connections, including set-
tings for routing of inputs to tracks for recording, for
determining where signals are output, and for deter-
mining which output is to be monitored can be stored
and recalled easily with the VS-880EX. This is referred
to as 
EZ Routing
For example, when setting tracks to be played back or
recorded during track bouncing, or when dealing with
effects settings during mixdown there are settings
which remain the same, regardless of the song. In such
situations, by preparing stored mixer settings to be
recalled later, you can easily get the most effective and
appropriate mixer settings for each parameter.
At the time of purchase, your VS-880EX came with
three read-only EZ Routing settings (Preset Routings)
already configured. In addition to these, the VS-880EX
offers 29 rewritable EZ Routing settings (User
Routings), allowing you to make changes to the set-
tings provided and then save these to the User
Easy Routing can be used in the following situations.
When you want to record the performance input via
the INPUT jacks.
When you want adjust the balance of each track or to
record a MD player or similar input in two-channel
When recording the performance data from multiple
tracks onto a number of other tracks.
Easy Routing can be set in the following two ways for
recording, mixdown, and track bouncing, respectively.
Recall a read-only setting (preset routing) or a previ-
ously stored setting (user routing) without change.
Step Edit:
Reply to questions in dialog format to make settings in
a logical sequence.
Chapter 5 Storing Mixer Settings