Roland FR-7 Manual De Usuario

Página de 114
 6. ORCH. EDIT parameters
6. ORCH. EDIT parameters
Press [UP] and [DOWN] simultaneously to select the value that is indicated as “Default setting”.
• When you select another Set
• When you switch off the FR-7/FR-5
Changes you want the FR-7/FR-5 to remember must be 
saved as soon as possible. Here is how:
(1) Press and hold the [MENU÷WRITE] button until the 
following page appears:
(2) Rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob (or use the [UP]/
[DOWN] buttons) to select “Orchestra”.
(3) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to confirm your 
(4) Use the [DATA÷ENTER] knob or the [UP]/[DOWN] 
buttons to specify what you want to save:
(5) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to confirm your 
(6) Use the [DATA÷ENTER] knob or the [UP]/[DOWN] 
buttons to select the Set that should contain your 
changed version(s).
Change this setting only if you do not want to save 
your settings to the current Set.
(7) Press the [MENU÷WRITE] button to save your 
changes. The display briefly shows a confirmation:
(8) Press the [EXIT÷JUMP] button to return to the Main 
(–1~0~1, Default setting: 0) This 
parameter allows you to trans-
pose the Orchestra section (i.e. 
the currently selected orchestral 
sound) up or down.
This can be interesting when you are using the Orches-
tra part in Dual mode (page 26) and want it to sound 
above or below the selected Treble accordion register. 
(Off, –40~“Std”~40, Default set-
ting: Std) This parameter allows 
you to create the desired “mix” 
(volume balance) between the 
Treble accordion and the 
Orchestra section. 
This is a relative parameter, which means that its value 
is added to or subtracted from the standard value 
Important note
Saving your changes
Current: The register you are currently editing.
Currnt + 
The register you are currently editing as 
well as the Set Common settings 
(page 63).
All registers. This is probably the safest 
bet, because it ensures that no Orchestra 
register will be forgotten. (It is perfectly 
possible to edit several registers without 
saving them.)
If you selected “Current” or 
If you selected “ALL”
(You cannot select a different register, 
or change the name of the current 