Roland FR-7 Manual De Usuario

Página de 114
Editing sounds | 10. SYSTEM parameters
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
(1~7, Default setting: 5) The 
information in the LCD display 
may be difficult to view after 
turning on your FR-7/FR-5 or 
after extended use. Your view-
ing angle and the current lighting conditions can also 
affect the appearance of the display. 
In such cases, use this parameter to adjust the contrast. 
The smaller the value, the darker the “background” 
This function was already dis-
cussed on page 19: it allows you 
to specify how many MENU 
parameters should be accessible. 
“Full” mode is ideal for in-depth 
programming of your FR-7/FR-5. “Easy” mode appears a 
sensible choice for quick adjustments during a concert, 
performance, etc.
Note that the FR-7/FR-5 also provides functions you 
can set without even entering its MENU structure (see 
p. 31). They have the advantage that you do not need 
to specify whether or not to save them (so that you 
won’t have to keep your audience waiting). If you do 
want to save those settings, press the [WRITE] button.
(Fixed Low, Fixed Med, Fixed 
High, X-Light, Light, Standard, 
Heavy, X-Heavy) This parameter 
allows you to specify how the 
FR-7/FR-5 should react to the 
bellows’ movements. You may remember that there are 
several functions that can be controlled via the 
strength/speed with which you push or pull the bellows 
(2.7 Bellows Detune, 3.6 Bellows Detune, 3.5 Reed 
Growl, 4.6 Bellows Detune, 6.3 Bellows Detune).
If you think those parameters do not respond the way 
you would like them to, try another curve that better 
“translates” your movements. 
There are three “Fixed” curves that always use the same 
value, no matter how hard or lightly you push/pull the 
bellows (no dynamic control). “Low” means that a low 
value is used, “Med” represents a medium value and 
“High” a high value. These three options also mean that 
you do not need to move the bellows in order to hear 
the notes you play.
Note: By selecting a “Fixed” option here, you effectively switch 
off the bellows sensor. This also means that any setting that 
includes “Bellows” for “10.11 Orchestra Touch” or “10.12 Orch. 
Bs&Ch Touch” no longer works, because the 
FR-7/FR-5 no longer 
“listens” to the bellows’ movements. Moreover, “Fixed L+Bellows”, 
“Fixed M+Bellows”, or “Fixed H+Bellows” is deactivated alto-
gether (even the “Fixed” part is ignored).
The remaining settings do depend on the strength with 
which you push/pull the bellows, but in different ways: 
Light” means that you do not need to push/pull hard 
to achieve a meaningful effect. “X-Light” requires even 
less strength (the “X” stands for “extra”). “Standard” 
refers to a normal response (or so we believe). “Heavy” 
provides a greater variety of nuances and “X-Heavy” is 
even more detailed. It would be a good idea to select 
each curve without the “Fixed” addition, play a few 
notes, select the next curve, etc. until you find the 
response that feels just right.
This page allows you to assign 
functions to the FBC-7’s foot-
switches. As you will notice 
below, there are also functions 
for remotely controlling exter-
nal instruments, like an arranger module or any other 
sequencer that understands the messages transmitted 
by the FBC-7.
Note: The assignments you program here are only meaningful if 
you connect the FR-7/FR-5 to the supplied FBC-7.
(1) If necessary, press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select 
the “SWITCH” parameter, then rotate the 
[DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the footswitch on the 
FBC-7 whose function you wish you define.
(2) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the 
“ASSIGN” parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] 
knob to select one of the following functions:
■ Set Up/Set Down—The footswitch allows you to select 
the next (Down) or previous (Up) Set memory. After select-
ing Set 01 (or 40), pressing the footswitch again takes you 
to Set 40 (or 01). These are the default functions of foot-
switches [1] and [2].
Note: There is also a function that allows you to assign a spe-
cific Set number to a footswitch (see “Set 1~40” below).
■ Regist Up/Regist Dwn—The selected footswitch allows 
you to select the next (Down) or previous (Up) Treble regis-
ter. If you combine this with the “2.12 Bass Link” and 
“2.13 Orchestra Link” parameters, this allows you to recon-
figure almost all sections simply by pressing this foot-
Note: There is also a function that allows you to assign a spe-
cific register number to a footswitch (see “Register 1~14” 
■ Treble Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the Tre-
ble notes (accordion) transmitted via MIDI whose keys you 
are holding down when you press the footswitch. You can 
then release the keys – the notes go on sounding until you 
release the footswitch. This is for MIDI control only.
■ Bass Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the bass 
notes of the Bass section transmitted via MIDI (but not the 
chords). This is for MIDI control only. 
■ Chord Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the 
chord notes of the Bass section transmitted via MIDI (but 
not the bass notes). This is for MIDI control only.
■ Orch Sust—The footswitch can be used to hold the 
orchestral notes of the Treble section. This also applies to 
the note messages transmitted via MIDI. At the same time, 
the internal orchestral notes are held (if that section is on).