Siemens TC12 Manual De Usuario

Página de 201
TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook 
MONITOR MODE monitors i.e. receives both control and reply messages from the 
line picking out the particular parts/messages associated with the selected/OTU 
under test. Whilst continuing to allow free communications between Instation and 
INSTATION MODE Simulates the Instation. In this mode the ITS isolates the line 
(if connected at Instation) or the OTU (if connected at the OTU) from the Instation 
and simulates the action of the Instation transmitting control data and receiving 
reply data. 
OUTSTATION MODE Simulates an Outstation. In this mode the ITS isolates the 
line (if connected at Instation) or the OTU (if connected at the OTU) from the 
Instation and simulates the action of the an Outstation transmitting reply data and 
receiving control data. OTU Info 
On this screen all data pertaining to OTUs is entered i.e. Address/number of OTU 
selected/under test, line identifier string, OTU identifier string, number of OTUs on 
line and number of control and reply bytes for each OTU. Transmission System 
On this screen all data pertaining to transmission can be entered, plus a few 
miscellaneous items, i.e. 2 or 4 wire, baud rate, full or half duplex, which signal 
control/reply is to be measured for line level, where is ITS being used at Instation 
or at Outstation, and delay before transmit (normally 0 i.e. transmit at exact 
calculated time). Data Entry/Testing 
Once this screen has been entered testing is initiated. On this screen the state of 
each bit of control and reply data for the selected OTU is displayed for 3 control 
bytes and 14 reply bytes. When in Instation mode the control data can be 
changed, (using cursor keys to select the bit and space bar to toggle its state). 
When in Outstation mode the reply data can be changed, (using cursor keys to 
select the bit and space bar to toggle its state). When in Monitor mode no data can 
be changed the screen simply displays received data. The screen also indicates 
the status of CRCs received and to be transmitted, whether transmissions are 
occurring i.e. TX, whether carrier is being detected when receiving i.e. CD, what 
mode the ITS is in, what transmit mode is active i.e. transmit on tick or when 
prompted and if errors are being detected in received data i.e. Rx errors. 
There are also a number of special/quick keys that are effective when in this 
screen, to perform special actions. 
Page 144 
Issue 9