Jasco 98552 Manual De Usuario

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Continuous use of any keyboard may cause injury to hands, wrists, arms, neck or back. If you 
feel ache, numbness or weakness in these areas, consult a qualified health professional.
•  Position Yourself: Choose a chair that provides support for your lower back. Adjust your work
  surface height and your chair to assume a comfortable and natural body posture.
•  Go Lightly: Type with a light touch, keeping your hands and fingers relaxed. Avoid resting your
    palms or your wrists on any type of surface while typing. Don’t rest on edges, such as the edge
    of your desk.
•  Take Breaks: Take frequent short breaks. Get up and walk around at least a couple of times
    every hour. Adjust your chair so the seat does not press in to the back of your knees.
5. Installation Instructions
Please keep this user’s manual in a safe place. 
1.  Unplug your current keyboard and mouse.
2.  Plug the Nano Receiver into the correct port on your PC.  
3.  Install the included batteries into the battery compartments located on
the bottom of your keyboard (2 AAA) and mouse (2 AAA). Make sure the
polarity corresponds to the symbols in the battery compart-
4.  Place the keyboard and mouse where you intend to use them  
     within 26 feet (8m) of the receiver.
5.  Turn on the mouse power (which is located on the bottom
of the mouse); the mouse will connect with the receiver 
immediately. If the cursor is not moving, please pull and plug 
the receiver again.
6.  Click any keyboard key to get connected with the receiver.
If there is no key response, please pull and plug the 
receiver again.
Batteries may leak harmful
liquids or ignitable materials 
or explode causing injury
and product damage.
•  Do not mix old and new 
    or other battery types.
•  Replace all batteries at
    the same time.
•  Replace fully discharged
    batteries immediately.